Mike Streib honoured as DUC's Volunteer of the Year for Ontario — Ducks Unlimited Canada
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Mike Streib honoured as DUC’s Volunteer of the Year for Ontario

On October 23, 1974, Mike Streib attended the first Ducks Unlimited fundraising dinner ever held in Canada. It was there that he first experienced DUC’s volunteer passion.

April 25, 2017
Mike Streib honoured as DUC’s Volunteer of the Year for Ontario
Mike Streib, DUC's Volunteer of the Year for Ontario. ©DUC

Eight years later, Streib was recruited to the newly formed Aylmer Committee.

“I was conscripted by Dr. Duncan Sinclair, Herb Kebbel and Jack Rice as a volunteer for that first dinner. I am proud to have served as a volunteer continuously since then,” says Streib.

Mike Streib, DUC's Volunteer of the Year for Ontario
Mike Streib, DUC’s Volunteer of the Year for Ontario

Mike’s primary role within the committee has been treasurer. He has worked with many chairmen and event managers over the past 35 years.

“Mike has volunteered endless hours of his time not only to the fundraising event, but to countless wetlands projects in and around the Aylmer area,” says Marco Cunha, DUC manager of events and volunteer relations, southwestern Ontario.

Most recently, Streib served as the chairman as his committee celebrated their 35th anniversary. It was a highlight of his volunteer career. They surpassed all of their goals for the celebration.

“It was a phenomenal year for our committee, due in large part to the commitment of each of our 38 committee members,” says Streib. We have worked a number of years together and each member is focused on achieving success for the entire committee. Too, I am pleased to be part of a local volunteer body that has sent many of its members to higher levels within the Ducks Unlimited Canada organization . . . zone chairmen, provincial chairmen and a President of Ducks Unlimited Canada. “That speaks of the enthusiasm, the chemistry and the passion of this committee. It makes the job of chairman very easy.”

Aylmer is a community of seven thousand strong and yet the Aylmer committee has grossed more than 1.78 million dollars for DUC over the thirty-five years. “This demonstrates the recognition, the respect and the value that DUC has in Aylmer. It also speaks to the support from our business community, our donors and our sponsors”

Streib believes a good volunteer has to be committed, adaptable, demonstrate integrity and enthusiasm for the cause. “The success that can be achieved when you have a group of like-minded people who have the passion and enthusiasm for their organization is inspirational.”

“The entire committee holds Mike in the highest regard,” says Cunha. “His passion and dedication to DUC have given the entire committee the drive to be one of the best events in Ontario.”

Though Streib has thoroughly enjoyed his 35 years on the committee, he believes it’s time to step aside and allow some of the younger members assume more responsibility. In the future, he will continue to be a member of the committee and act as a spokesperson for DUC.

“Conservation in Canada is a very complex situation. It is our environment, it is our wildlife, it is our lifestyle. We have to be good stewards of our land and resources; we have to engage the agriculture sector and municipalities to help safeguard our wetlands and stop the loss of this valuable resource; we have to be willing to alter some of our current lifestyles to ensure that our environment is protected and sustained.”

This is why Mike believes education is paramount in the quest for conservation. “The more successful we are in educating the young people, the more support we shall see for the conservation programs designed by Ducks Unlimited Canada. At one point, DUC was simply viewed as a duck hunters’ network. Now look at the focus and impact of this organization and see how far we have come.”