Jane's legacy: a gift for the future - DUC
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Rescue Our Wetlands, Volunteers

Jane’s legacy: her future gift

Feather Society member explains why she chose planned giving for conservation

May 13, 2016
Jane’s legacy: her future gift
Jane Bailey and her husband Ken want to ensure that habitat will be protected for wildlife long into the future. © DUC

I remember when life was simpler. Our community was smaller, less spread out, less busy. We never talked about climate change or extreme weather. We never worried about our water supply or blue-green algae in our lakes.

Today, cities are sprawling. People and traffic are everywhere. Life is noisy. I’m a worrier, but I worry less about our future with DUC in it.

This year, I celebrate 30 years as a DUC employee. It’s been immensely rewarding. I’ve seen the organization grow, persist and adapt to deliver effective, pragmatic wetland conservation across Canada. I’m proud to say “we get it done.” Our name may say “Ducks,” but we are truly about wetlands. Wetlands are the answer to many of our environmental concerns and DUC’s mission is to conserve, restore and manage them for waterfowl, wildlife and people.

My husband and I added a bequest to DUC in our will a few years ago. We did it to ensure habitat for all of the bugs, birds and animals we love. But I also know how important our gift is to Canada’s future. I’m hoping they don’t receive this gift for quite awhile yet, but that’s the other great thing about DUC – I know they are in it for the long haul. When they do receive our gift, I know it will be in good hands.

I invite you to join me. By leaving a planned gift to DUC, you will be making an important contribution to Canada’s wetlands and natural areas. You will also be sharing your love of nature and the environment by making sure it is abundant and healthy for future generations.

-Jane Bailey, DUC employee and Feather Society member