Courtenay River estuary — Ducks Unlimited Canada
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Courtenay River estuary

September 29, 2015
Courtenay River estuary
The Courtenay River estuary is one of the most vital estuaries on the B.C. coast for waterfowl like swans.

Hank Beks and his family owned a special piece of property on the Courtenay River estuary. It’s special because it’s one of the last remaining slivers of agricultural land in an area being swallowed up by urban expansion.

It may look like just another farmer’s field nestled amid neighbouring roads and infrastructure. But to waterfowl and wildlife, it’s an oasis that’s central to their survival.

The Courtenay River estuary is one of the most vital estuaries on the B.C. coast for waterfowl. By working with DUC and other conservation partners, the Beks’ farm is now an integral component of conservation plans for the area. Ducks, geese and swans can graze the farm’s 64 acres. It is a place where they can feed and fuel-up during the winter and on their migration journey.

With DUC’s management of the land and conservation minded partners like the Beks family, we can ensure waterfowl will always have a place in the Courtenay River estuary.