Resources for Industry — Ducks Unlimited Canada
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Resources for Industry

Access DUC research, guides and best management practices for working in Canada’s resource-rich boreal forest.


Resource Roads and Wetlands Guide

Resource Roads and Wetlands Guide

This guide focuses on the planning, construction, and maintenance practices for resource roads that cross wetlands.

Summary Pamphlet – Wetland Road Crossing Hydrological Monitoring Report

Summary Pamphlet – Wetland Road Crossing Hydrological Monitoring Report

This plain language pamphlet is a summary of the results of the research findings from the Wetland Road Crossing Hydrological Monitoring Report.

Wetland Road Crossings Hydrological Monitoring Design and Data Summary

Wetland Road Crossings Hydrological Monitoring Design and Data Summary

Report on field trials to test the effectiveness of the best management practices proposed in the Operational Guide.

Operational Guide for Forest Road Wetland Crossings

Operational Guide for Forest Road Wetland Crossings

What to expect in terms of water movement when building roads in a wetland.

Field Guide of Boreal Wetland Classes in the Boreal Plains Ecozone of Canada

Field Guide of Boreal Wetland Classes in the Boreal Plains Ecozone of Canada

This plain language operational field guide helps resource managers identify wetlands in the field.

Enhanced Wetland Classification: Inferred Products User Guide

Enhanced Wetland Classification: Inferred Products User Guide

Use our enhanced wetland classification system to determine soil moisture, hydrodynamics and nutrients.

Boreal Wetland Fact Sheets

Boreal Wetland Fact Sheets

These fact sheets highlight the different plants, waterways, soil and ecological benefits of each of the five major wetlands types.

Field Guide to the Wetlands of the Boreal Plains Ecozone of Canada

Field Guide to the Wetlands of the Boreal Plains Ecozone of Canada

An in-depth look at our remote-sensing satellite mapping efforts and our enhanced wetland classification system.